A short book meant to be given to a new Christian to get them started in their fundamental beliefs.
- The Assurance of Salvation
- Sceptical Doubts
- Secret Prayer
- Self-Examination
- The Devotional Study of the Holy Scriptures
- Conduct in the Church of Christ
- Behavior in the World
- The Choice of Companions
- Easily-Besetting Sins
- Living Up To Your Privileges
- The Supreme Purpose of Life
- Keeping the Close of the Journey in View
“The church of the future will be what our young converts, under God, make it. The tone and type of Christianity of the next age must be fixed by them. Shall it be an advance or a going back? This is a problem which every young Christian who reads this book must help to solve. My object has been to assist you to attain a higher level than that of the current piety of the present day. May the Good Spirit bless this book to every young convert who shall peruse its pages!” ~John Stock
90 pages.