The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray

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If you have longed for a life of separation from the world and to the Lord, finding a deeper prayer life is the way to do that. Andrew Murray’s study into the Christian’s duty to enter into the inner chamber of prayer will help you do just that.

There are three parts to this book (“The Prayer Life,” “The Inner Chamber,” and “The Deepest Secret of Pentecost”) in which the author delves into the meaning of having a prayer life, examples of Godly men whose lives portrayed the evidence and importance of that prayer life, and how to obtain the power of Christ through a dedicated prayer life of one’s own.

136 pages.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Andrew Murray (1828 - 1917) was a missionary, statesman, educator, revivalist, evangelist, and pastor during the nineteenth century. He is one of the best loved and most widely read writers on the deeper Christian life.

It was a choice of logic to become a minister, but during the course of his studies, he met the God of the Bible and came to know Him more intimately than most. The theme of his life was, “May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God's presence, and not a moment without the entire surrender of myself as a vessel for him to fill full of his Spirit and his love.”

His personal knowledge and insight of God’s inward grace was evident in all his writings. With his extraordinary skill at putting his spiritual insight into the written word, it is no surprise that he was used mightily by God in his lifetime, with the effects of his literature still having far-reaching results in the hearts and lives of Christians today.