As far as is known speaking in tongues was never a problem in the churches of Jesus Christ for hundreds of years. According to the history of the Pentecostal tongues movement it began at the Azusa Street mission in Los Angeles, California around 1906. Several names can be associated with its beginning, but the name Agnes Ozman seems to stand above the rest. She is credited with the initiation of this movement. According to available information, prior to living in Los Angeles she was a student at the Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas, which was founded by Charles Parkham. It was said that while she was there she felt impressed to speak in tongues, which she did and continued to do for the next several years. It was after this that she established the mission mentioned above with a heavy emphasis on seeking ones own Pentecost. It has been said that meetings were held there several times a day for at least three years. As a result many people visited these services and supposedly had their own Pentecostal tongues experience.
Over the next several years this movement gave birth to several other present day denominations such as the Assemblies of God, the Church of God, Four Square Gospel, Pentecostal Holiness, Church of God in Christ, Church of God of Prophecy, The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, and numerous other not so well known groups.
The reason it is so necessary to publish the truth on this matter is that it is no longer limited to the above churches. It is not uncommon in these days to hear of Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Anglicans, and pagans on mission fields speaking in tongues.
As with every other false doctrine or counterfeit Satan introduces, the Word of God reveals the truth for all who are interested. This book is dedicated to that end.
86 pages.