D. L. Moody

Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899) may well have been the greatest evangelist of all time. In a 40-year period, he won a million souls, founded three Christian schools, launched a great Christian publishing business, established a world-renowned Christian conference center, and inspired literally thousands of preachers to win souls and conduct revivals.

A shoe clerk at 17, his ambition was to make $100,000. Converted at 18, he uncovered hidden gospel gold in the hearts of millions for the next half-century. He preached to 20,000 a day in Brooklyn and admitted only non-church members by ticket!

He met a young songleader in Indianapolis, and said bluntly, “You’re the man I’ve been looking for for eight years. Throw up your job and come with me.” Ira D. Sankey did just that; thereafter it was “Moody will preach; Sankey will sing.”

He traveled across the American continent and through Great Britain in some of the greatest and most successful evangelistic meetings communities have ever known. His tour of the world with Sankey was considered the greatest evangelistic enterprise of the century.

It was Henry Varley who said, “It remains to be seen what God will do with a man who gives himself up wholly to Him.” And Moody endeavored to be, under God, that man; and the world did marvel to see how wonderfully God used him.

Two great monuments stand in the tireless and unwavering work and ministry of this gospel warrior—Moody Bible Institute and the famous Moody Church in Chicago.

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