David Cloud

Way of Life is a preaching and publishing ministry founded and directed by David W. Cloud. In 1992, Bethel Baptist Church in London, Ontario, began printing literature for Way of Life Literature, and in 2001, the headquarters of Way of Life formally moved to Bethel from its previous location in Oak Harbor, Washington, to provide a more central location for the distribution of books all over North America.

Way of Life has published over 200 books including the widely-used Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity. David Cloud is also the founder of the monthly O Timothy magazine, which began in 1984 and is still published monthly.

How to Order David Cloud's Books

In Canada

To order Way of Life books in Canadian dollars, email your order to emorgan@bethelbaptist.ca or call 866-295-4143 (Toll-Free).

Payment is accepted via check, credit card, e-transfer, or PayPal.

Outside of Canada (USD)

Visit Way of Life to order online or call 866-295-4143 to order by phone.

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