
  • Adventures with Sister Abigail by Grace Swanger

    Adventures with Sister Abigail by Grace Swanger

    Would you like to have been taught in your prayer life by George Muller, that great man of God through whose prayers and faith many thousands of children were cared for in the orphanages of Bristol, England? Since girlhood, Sister Abigail had such an...

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  • Balancing Out Your Prayer Life by Max Alderman

    Balancing Out Your Prayer Life by Max Alderman

    "Just as our theology needs proper balance to avoid should our praying. With this balance, there will be a prayer work that involves the body, the soul, and the spirit of man. Until this is so, the total man is not involved in his praying...

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  • God's Minute (prayer book)

    God's Minute (prayer book)

    Written by faithful clergymen and laymen of old, each of these 365 poetic declarations of reverence toward our Heavenly Father takes merely 60 seconds to read and is intended for personal or family devotions. While reciting a pre-formed prayer will not,...

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  • Prayer by D.L. Moody

    Prayer by D.L. Moody

    Packed with numerous illustrations, practical suggestions, and Scripture references, this book will encourage each sincere reader to seek more purposefully to “move the Arm that moves the world.”In Prayer, Moody has insightfully...

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  • Prayer by J. H. McConkey

    Prayer by J.H. McConkey

    Prayer by James H. McConkey is truly a classic. He covers the subject like a master. This book is delighting and refreshing to the mind, heart, and soul. Read each page, for in it you will learn why our Heavenly Father calls us to pray. The chapters...

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  • The Ministry of Intercession by Andrew Murray

    Prayer Set (2 volumes) by Andrew Murray

    The Ministry of Intercession- Volume 1 (This book was originally a sequel to With Christ in the School of Prayer.) This is a presentation of foundational truths that lead to effective prayer. There are many conditions that can provide us a more effective...

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  • Quiet Talks on Prayer by S.D. Gordon

    Quiet Talks on Prayer by S.D. Gordon

    This book will help you to realign your focus to what is truly important in this life and to identify the hindrances to your prayer life so that it can grow. “The great people of the earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk...

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  • Strengthen the Things Which Remain by Max Alderman

    Strengthen the Things Which Remain by Max Alderman

    Eight volumes in one that deal with different discipleship topics (Baptist Distinctives, Christian Life, Creation, God’s Word, Holy Spirit, Living Right, Prayer, and Ten Commandments). Written by Jim Lewis and donated to Dr. Alderman’s...

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  • The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray

    The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray

    If you have longed for a life of separation from the world and to the Lord, finding a deeper prayer life is the way to do that. Andrew Murray’s study into the Christian’s duty to enter into the inner chamber of prayer will help you do just...

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  • The Weapon of Prayer by E.M. Bounds

    The Weapon of Prayer by E.M. Bounds

    What is the Christian best noted for? Could it be going to church, reading their Bibles or giving? These and other things are good, but if we are not a praying people, we cannot access God's Power to carry out His great commission and our service for Him...

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