If anyone take up this little volume with the idea of finding a theory of Perfection expounded or vindicated, he will be disappointed. My object has been a very different one. What I have wished to do is to go with my reader through the Word of God, noting the principal passages in which the word Perfect occurs, and seeking in each case from the context to find what the impression is the word was meant to convey. It is only when we have yielded ourselves simply and prayerfully to allow the words of Scripture to have their full force, that we are on the right track for combining the different aspects of truth into one harmonious whole. ~Andrew Murray
124 pages.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Andrew Murray (1828 - 1917) was a missionary, statesman, educator, revivalist, evangelist, and pastor during the nineteenth century. He is one of the best loved and most widely read writers on the deeper Christian life.
It was a choice of logic to become a minister, but during the course of his studies, he met the God of the Bible and came to know Him more intimately than most. The theme of his life was, “May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God's presence, and not a moment without the entire surrender of myself as a vessel for him to fill full of his Spirit and his love.”
His personal knowledge and insight of God’s inward grace was evident in all his writings. With his extraordinary skill at putting his spiritual insight into the written word, it is no surprise that he was used mightily by God in his lifetime, with the effects of his literature still having far-reaching results in the hearts and lives of Christians today.