Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray
“Absolute surrender—let me tell you where I got those words. I used them myself often, and you have heard them numberless times. But in Scotland once I was in a company where we were talking about the condition of Christ's Church, and what...
$10.25 -
Be Perfect by Andrew Murray
If anyone take up this little volume with the idea of finding a theory of Perfection expounded or vindicated, he will be disappointed. My object has been a very different one. What I have wished to do is to go with my reader through the Word of God,...
$12.00 -
Humility by Andrew Murray
“There are three great motives that urge us to humility. It becomes me as a creature, as a sinner, as a saint. The first we see in the heavenly hosts, in unfallen man, in Jesus as Son of Man. The second appeals to us in our fallen state, and points...
$8.00 -
The Deeper Christian Life by Andrew Murray
The short answer of how to attain to a “deeper Christian life” is to have a daily time with God, earnestly seeking His truth and guidance for your life. Andrew Murray expounds greatly upon this truth and explores the many ways in which we can...
$8.25 -
The Master's Indwelling by Andrew Murray
The Master’s Indwelling is an encouraging exploration into the great riches we as believers have in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These riches include the blessings of dying to self, of waiting on God, of resting in Him, of putting...
$11.50 -
The Prophet Priest by Andrew Murray
As with all of Andrew Murray’s books, there is much study into the Scripture, followed by just as much practical application. Within this small volume, Murray covers: Jesus Christ our Prophet The Completion of Priesthood Our Way into the...
$7.25 -
The Secret of Fellowship by Andrew Murray
Preface: BELOVED BRETHREN,—The more I think of and pray about the state of religion in this country, and all over the world, the deeper my conviction becomes that the low state of the spiritual life of Christians is due to the fact that they do not...
$9.00 -
The State of the Churches by Andrew Murray
Preface: NOT long ago Dr. J. P. Forsyth published two volumes in which he sought to give the Cross the place it ought to have in our theology, our preaching, and our life. The one was a series of lectures delivered at Yale University, Positive Preaching...
$10.85 -
The True Vine by Andrew Murray
31 meditations for a month on John 15:1-16. Preface: I have felt drawn to try to write what young Christians might easily apprehend, as a help to them to take up that position in which the Christian life must be a success. It is as if there is not one of...
$7.75 -
Waiting on God by Andrew Murray
Waiting on God is a 31-day devotional that is sure to help the believer who desires to know how to wait on God or for the believer who just needs to be reminded of the goodness of his God. Read the short daily Scripture verse and accompanying chapter and...
$11.00 -
Working for God by Andrew Murray
A sequel to Waiting for God by Andrew Murray. The object of this book is first of all to remind all Christian workers of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives a share. The aim of the book at the same time is to help...
Andrew Murray
Andrew Murray (1828 - 1917) was a missionary, statesman, educator, revivalist, evangelist, and pastor during the nineteenth century. He is one of the best loved and most widely read writers on the deeper Christian life.
It was a choice of logic to become a minister, but during the course of his studies, he met the God of the Bible and came to know Him more intimately than most. The theme of his life was, “May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God's presence, and not a moment without the entire surrender of myself as a vessel for him to fill full of his Spirit and his love.”
His personal knowledge and insight of God’s inward grace was evident in all his writings. With his extraordinary skill at putting his spiritual insight into the written word, it is no surprise that he was used mightily by God in his lifetime, with the effects of his literature still having far-reaching results in the hearts and lives of Christians today.
Note: All quoted Scripture has been brought into conformity with the King James Version.